March 30, 2011

World English Dictionary

World English Dictionary
tea (tiː)

— n
1. an evergreen shrub or small tree, Camellia sinensis, of tropical and subtropical Asia, having toothed leathery leaves and white fragrant flowers: family Theaceae
2. a. the dried shredded leaves of this shrub, used to make a  beverage by infusion in boiling water
b. such a beverage, served hot or iced
c. ( as modifier ): tea caddy ; tea urn
3. a. any of various plants that are similar to Camellia sinensis or are used to make a tealike beverage
b. any such beverage
4. chiefly ( Brit )
a. Also called: afternoon tea a light meal eaten in mid-afternoon, usually consisting of tea and cakes, biscuits, or sandwiches
b. ( as modifier ): a tea party
c. Also called: high tea afternoon tea that also includes a light cooked dish
5. ( Brit ), ( Austral ), ( NZ ) the main evening meal
6. old-fashioned , slang ( US ), ( Canadian ) marijuana
7. informal tea and sympathy a caring attitude, esp to someone in trouble

Medical Dictionary

tea definition

Pronunciation: /ˈtē/
Function: n
1 a : a shrub ( Camellia sinensis of the family Theaceae, the tea family) cultivated especially in China, Japan, and the East Indies
b : the prepared and cured leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the tea plant
2 : a mildly stimulating aromatic beverage prepared from tea leaves by infusion with boiling water
3 : any of various plants resembling tea in properties
also : an infusion of their leaves used medicinally or as a beverage


World English Dictionary
health (hɛlθ)

— n
1. the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease 2. the general condition of body and mind: in poor health
3. the condition of any unit, society, etc: the economic health of a nation
4. a toast to a person, wishing him or her good health, happiness, etc
5. ( modifier ) of or relating to food or other goods reputed to be beneficial to the health: health food ; a health store
6. ( modifier ) of or relating to health, esp to the administration of health: a health committee ; health resort ; health service

— interj
7. an exclamation wishing someone good health as part of a toast (in the phrases your health, good health, etc)

Medical Dictionary

health definition 
Pronunciation: /ˈhelth/
Function: n

, often attrib 1 : the condition of an organism or one of its parts in which it performs its vital functions normally or properly : the state of being sound in body or mind health > health >
especially : freedom from physical disease and pain him back to health > compare DISEASE
2 : the condition of an organism with respect to the performance of its vital functions especially as evaluated subjectively or nonprofessionally is your health today> 



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